More seductive and luxurious than ever, leather throws open the doors to interior design, decorates walls and floors and leaves its mark on all the furniture and decorative objects in the home.
Whether stretched, placed or sheathed, used alone or with other materials, leather is creating a new contemporary way of life. Whether we are talking about equipment, coverings or decorative objects, leather has shown itself to be the material of choice for new fields of expression and new, previously unimagined, creativity.
Thanks to this potential, their expertise and their top-of-the-range positioning, French tanners and dressers have made inroads with leather into the interior design market.
Launched by the French Tanners and Dressers Association and organised in partnership with CTC, a pilot project provides them with support. This promotional campaign entitled INTERIEURS CUIR - Acte 1 sought to make the potential uses of French leather in the interiors world known to a wider audience. It brought together 12 French tanners and dressers during the Le Cuir à Paris show held at Paris Nord Villepinte from 23rd to 26th September 2008.
The creations produced through this partnership enhance the interior of a home and help to add value to the material, the techniques used and the expertise of the craftspeople.
They work in France and are partners of INTERIEURS CUIR Acte 1
They are all specialist tanners or dressers: Alran Sas Tannerie Mégisserie / Tannerie Arnal / Mégisserie Bodin Joyeux / Tannerie Rémy Carriat / Tannerie Degermann / Tanneries Du Puy / Mégisserie Guyard Chesneau (Relma) / Tanneries Haas / HCP (Gordon Choisy - TCIM) / Hervy Mercier Trading / Mégisserie Jullien / Tanneries Roux.